Partner Bill Ireland is speaking on a panel during ALFA International’s International Client Seminar on March 4, 2022 in Cedar Creek, Texas. His panel is, “Stand Up and Listen! Lessons from the Great Comedians About Interactive Storytelling.”
Program Description
The best stand-up comedians are story tellers. Those who excel do not just repeat their sketches each evening; instead, they observe and listen to their audience, and develop, embellish, or curtail depending on how the listeners react, all while keeping the overarching theme or story line in mind. It is a skill that is readily transferable to what occurs at trial, oral argument, negotiations and even day-to-day business relationships. To help our audience gain this expertise, five lawyers will “walk into a bar.” Using clips from stand-up comics who have perfected this art, our panelists will explore using similar techniques in various settings that are part of all of our professional lives. We will offer examples of how to enhance your story-telling skills by being mindful of your audience, drawing in your business counterpart, judge, jury, or other listeners, and keeping them engaged and receptive, even when circumstances force a change in your original “story.”