CalCPA’s Education Foundation and Michael Parme of Haight’s San Diego office presented this roundtable event which discussed the effect that Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court of Los Angeles has on California businesses. This will include how an independent contractor is now classified within the state of California. In addition to determining who is and isn’t an independent contractor, attendees will also learn the potential business risks they could be facing by not complying with the law change and what to do going forward. This event will have no CPE. Lunch will be provided, courtesy of Haight Brown & Bonesteel LLP
- Recognize what potential business risk you will have with the new independent contractor law.
- Identify what makes someone an independent contractor.
- Determine what further actions are required to ensure your business is operating within the new law.
Major Subjects:
- Effect of Dynamex Operations West v Superior Court of Los Angeles
- New ABC test
- Potential business risks that you could be facing
- What to do going forward
January 24, 2019